What happens in Competitive Divisions?

Team Selections

The competitive divisions (Peewee thru Senior) teams will formed through a player draft process.  Coaches will take turns selecting players in an attempt to keep the teams balanced and fair.  All divisions with the exception of Seniors (boys and girls) and Intermediate girls will have a preseason evaluation prior to the draft.  All players enrolled are required to attend.  This is done in an attempt for team parity.

Teams are created with no less than 9 players and no more than 12 players per team.

Divisions are encouraged to have an even number of teams to avoid “BYE” weeks during regular season play.  In the event, an odd number of teams is needed to create a division, one team will incur a “BYE Week” where they do not have a regular season game. Multiple "BYE WEEKS" are possible.

Divisions are required to have a 3 team minimum for league participation.  Divisions with less than 3 teams will be cancelled and enrollment fees refunded.

Each team is require to have a coach.



Weeknight practices begin in late October.  Teams will have one 75 minute practice on the same night each week for the entire season (October - Late Feb). 

There will be no practices on weekdays when school is not in session (i.e. holidays, school events, school vacations, snow days).

Senior level practices will not start until after the High School Varsity team, both girls and boys, has had their tryout, typically the first part of December


Games begin in November for all division other than Seniors.  Senior division games will begin 1 week after the teams are drafted. Game for ANY DIVISION can be on either Saturday or Sunday.

No games during the Holiday breaks (Thanksgiving and Christmas).



Every team will participate in the post-season, seeded playoff in Mid February, over 2 weekends.  Typically the format is a single elimination bracket format.  A division of 6 or more teams may be placed in a dual single elimination bracket.  The top half of the division in the first bracket, followed by the bottom half of the division in second bracket.  Winner of each bracket plays in the championship.  Trophies for the 1st and 2nd place teams.  No trophies of seniors.


All Stars Selection

Each year there will be a tryout for All Stars.  Email notifications will be sent out for interest.  This is a select program.  There is a possibility players could be cut from participating on the All Star Team. 

Teams will consist of a minimum 10 players and a maximum 12.

Once selected, this team will practice weekly on Sundays, time TBD in conjunction with MYA Rec basketball practice and games.  There is additional fees involved if the player is selected to the All Stars.  The selected teams will play in an end of season tournament, typically in BOW, NH.